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Survival Instructor Pedagogy
Course Introduction - What to Expect
Before Starting a Survival Activity
Beginning a Survival Activity - Setting the Scene, Introductions, Safety Rules
The 5 Survival Priorities & Rule of 3
Differences between Bushcraft and Survival Skills; Expected and Unexpected Scenarios
Logistical Elements of Survival Lessons
Topics and skills
Intro to Topics and Skills Section
Setting up Camp
Teaching Using Knives
Teaching using Saws
Leverage Snap Trick
Fire Preparation
Lighting fire with a fire steel
Maintaining Fire
Extinguishing and leaving fire
Uses of Charcoal and Ash
Raft Building
Creating a Natural Water Filter
Solar Still - Extracting fresh water
Extracting water from plants
Building a Lean-to Shelter
Navigation by Sun
Find South With Analogue Watch
Making a Stick Compass
Navigation By Stars
Escape Navigation
Going Unseen and Unheard
Trapping (general)
Fish Trap
Pitfall Trap
Hammock Trap
Making an Emergency Stretcher
Morse Code
Setting Scenarios
Section 3: Wrapping it up
Considerations when working internationally
Finishing an Activity
Beyond This Curriculum
Exam 1 (11 Questions)
Exam 2 (20 Questions)
Escape Navigation
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